Artículos científicos publicados por los investigadores del Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC), relacionados con la enfermedad de Alzheimer, neuroimagen, memoria y enfermedades neurodegenerativas, entre otros campos.
Western D, Timsina J, Wang L, Wang C, Yang C, Phillips B, Wang Y, Liu M, Ali M, Beric A, Gorijala P, Kohlfeld P, Budde J, Levey AI, Morris JC, Perrin RJ, Ruiz A, Marquié M, Boada M, de Rojas I, Rutledge J, Oh H, Wilson EN, Le Guen Y, Reus LM, Tijms B, Visser PJ, van der Lee SJ, Pijnenburg YAL, Teunissen CE, Del Campo Milan M, Alvarez I, Aguilar M; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN); Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI); Greicius MD, Pastor P, Pulford DJ, Ibanez L, Wyss-Coray T, Sung YJ, Cruchaga C
The integration of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with disease genome-wide association studies (GWASs) has proven successful in prioritizing candidate genes at disease-associated loci. QTL mapping has...
Pelkmans W, Gispert JD.
This scientific commentary refers to ‘Association of glial fibrillary acid protein, Alzheimer's disease pathology and cognitive decline’ by Peretti et al. (
Medaglia S, Reig-Palou J, Bellés A, Moreno-Ruiz N, Rodríguez J, Armengol X, Aróstegui JI, Armengol L, Guillén JJ, Laayouni H, Casals F
Functional annotation and interpretation of genetic variants are a critical step in genetic diagnosis, as it may lead to personalized therapeutic options and genetic counseling. While the number of...
Therriault J, Janelidze S, Benedet AL, Ashton NJ, Arranz Martínez J, Gonzalez-Escalante A, Bellaver B, Alcolea D, Vrillon A, Karim H, Mielke MM, Hyung Hong C, Roh HW, Contador J, Puig Pijoan A, Algeciras-Schimnich A, Vemuri P, Graff-Radford J, Lowe VJ, Karikari TK, Jonaitis E, Brum W, Tissot C, Servaes S, Rahmouni N, Macedo AC, Stevenson J, Fernandez-Arias J, Wang YT, Woo MS, Friese MA, Jia WL, Dumurgier J, Hourregue C, Cognat E, Ferreira PL, Vitali P, Johnson S, Pascoal TA, Gauthier S, Lleó A, Paquet C, Petersen RC, Salmon D, Mattsson-Carlgren N, Palmqvist S, Stomrud E, Galasko D, Son SJ, Zetterberg H, Fortea J, Suárez-Calvet M, Jack CR Jr, Blennow K, Hansson O, Rosa-Neto P.
Recently approved anti-amyloid immunotherapies for Alzheimer's disease (AD) require evidence of amyloid-β pathology from positron emission tomography (PET) or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) before...
Contador J, Suárez-Calvet M.
Vila-Castelar C, Akinci M, Palpatzis E, Aguilar-Dominguez P, Operto G, Kollmorgen G, Quijano-Rubio C, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Falcon C, Fauria K, Gispert JD, Grau-Rivera O, Suárez-Calvet M, Arenaza-Urquijo EM.
Glial reactivity may contribute to sex/gender differences in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology. Here, we investigated the differential effect of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glial markers on AD...
Vermunt L, Sutphen CL, Dicks E, de Leeuw DM, Allegri RF, Berman SB, Cash DM, Chhatwal JP, Cruchaga C, Day GS, Ewers M, Farlow MR, Fox NC, Ghetti B, Graff-Radford NR, Hassenstab J, Jucker M, Karch CM, Kuhle J, Laske C, Levin J, Masters CL, McDade E, Mori H, Morris JC, Perrin RJ, Preische O, Schofield PR, Suárez-Calvet M, Xiong C, Scheltens P, Teunissen CE, Visser PJ, Bateman RJ, Benzinger TLS, Fagan AM, Gordon BA, Tijms BM.
The grey matter of the brain develops and declines in coordinated patterns during the lifespan. Such covariation patterns of grey matter structure can be quantified as grey matter networks, which can...
Lorenzini L, Maranzano A, Ingala S, Collij LE, Tranfa M, Blennow K, Di Perri C, Foley C, Fox NC, Frisoni GB, Haller S, Martinez-Lage P, Mollison D, O'Brien J, Payoux P, Ritchie C, Scheltens P, Schwarz AJ, Sudre CH, Tijms BM, Verde F, Ticozzi N, Silani V, Visser PJ, Waldman A, Wolz R, Chételat G, Ewers M, Wink AM, Mutsaerts H, Gispert JD, Wardlaw JM, Barkhof F.
Background and objectives: Vascular risk factors (VRFs) and cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) are common in patients with Alzheimer disease (AD). It remains unclear whether this coexistence...
Schöll M, Verberk IMW, Del Campo M, Delaby C, Therriault J, Chong JR, Palmqvist S, Alcolea D.
Blood biomarkers have emerged as accessible, cost-effective, and highly promising tools for advancing the diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease. However, transitioning from cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers...
Tristão-Pereira C, Fuster V, Lopez-Jimenez A, Fernández-Pena A, Semerano A, Fernandez-Nueda I, Garcia-Lunar I, Ayuso C, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Ibanez B, Gispert JD, Cortes-Canteli M.
Rationale: Cognitive decline and dementia have been reportedly linked to atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular disease. Cohort studies identifying early brain alterations associated with...