Orientation and information for families affected
The Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) and the Pasqual Maragall Foundation have initiatives and agreements with different entities in order to offer affected people orientation and information related to the disease.
Blog 'Let's talk about Alzheimer's'
The Pasqual Maragall Foundation has the blog 'Let's talk about Alzheimer', in which answers and advices are offered to help people seeking specialized and rigorous information about Alzheimer's disease.
The contents of the blog are divided into four major thematic blocks.
- The first, 'Alzheimer's', focuses on the disease, and responds to doubts as diverse as the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, the first warning symptoms, whether the disease is hereditary or not, how it is diagnosed, what treatment is given to those affected or if there is a way to prevent it.
- The section 'Research' addresses the current state of research, techniques, progress and ongoing projects in the BBRC.
- The third block, 'Advice for affected people and caregivers', focuses on how to face the day to day with a person with the disease and offers recommendations for affected people, family members and caregivers. Some examples are guidelines for spending Christmas or holidays with a family member with Alzheimer's disease, tools for legal prevention or advices to deal with the caregiver syndrome.
- Finally, the section 'Healthy Habits' offers tips to promote brain health and make it more resistant to diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
The contents of the blog are endorsed by the Scientific Coordinator of the Office of Social Intervention of the BBRC, Dr. Nina Gramunt.
Agreement with Mutuam
The Pasqual Maragall Foundation has signed a collaboration agreement with the Mutuam Foundation. The agreement contemplates, among other aspects, the possibility of offering the service of social orientation to families affected by Alzheimer's disease in Catalonia.
The Mutuam Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage work well done in the world of social and health care for the elderly in Catalonia.
For more information, leave your query in the contact form.
Prevention against abuse
The Pasqual Maragall Foundation, the PROVEA Foundation, EIMA, the Roure Foundation, the FiraGran Foundation, FATEC and Amics de la Gent Gran have promoted a manifesto against elder abuse, to which more than 40 entities have joined and more continue to join. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 10 adults suffers some type of abuse; an underestimated figure, since it is estimated that only 1 out of every 24 cases is reported.
The manifesto establishes the willingness of the member organizations to work together to eradicate this violence, through prevention, social awareness and actions in the face of abuse.