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Basic information for data protection:

Responsible for processing: BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center Foundation.

Purpose limitation: management of user’s questions and requests; communications of interest when checking the “I want to be up-to-date” box.

Rights: to exercise your rights of access, rectification and suppression, as other rights present in the normative, please send an email to

See our full data protection policy here.

BBRC BuildingBARCELONABETA Brain Research Center
Pasqual Maragall Foundation

Wellington, 30

08005 - Barcelona

Tel. +34 93 316 09 90

Getting here

L4: Ciutadella | Vila Olímpica T4: Vila Olímpica 36, 59, 92: Vila Olímpica
V21, V27: Vila Olímpica
H16: Icaria | Parc Carles I
Recomended route C/ Ramón Trias Fargas