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The Science Infrastructure Unit is responsible for the cohorts of the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) and its related sub-studies and projects. It is also in charge of the development of new strategic infrastructures that enhance the center's research and collaborations with other institutions. This unit, directed by Dr. Josep Maria Argimon, is composed of a multidisciplinary clinical operations team and a working group in charge of the safety of all medical procedures performed at the BBRC facilities. Anna Soteras is the coordinator of the clinical operations team, which carries out the execution of the clinical studies and also works on their design, management and closure, always in direct contact with the cohort participants.

Researchers and technicians

Anna Soteras
Clinical Operations Coordinator
Aitana Plaza
Alba Cañas
Neuropsychologist team coordinator
Albina Polo
Medical Doctor
Anna Brugulat
Neuropsychologist and Postdoc
Annabella Beteta
Medical Doctor
Carlota Medina
Clinical Trials Coordinator
Fernanda Campos
Participant Support
Francisco Javier Melendez
Support to the Participant
Isabel Perez
Jordi Freixa
Visit Coordinator
Laura Gusó
Laura Hernandez
Study Coordinator
Lidia Canals
Neuropsychologist - assessor
Maria Emilio
Biorepository Unit Technician
Maria Roman
Biorepository Coordinator
Pilar González-Tartière
Coordinator of Clinical Trials
Montserrat Vilà
Support to the Participant
Neus de la Cruz-Sanchez
Núria Lleonart i Camps
Pau Sanchez
Clinical Trials Assistant
Paula Marne
Coordinator of Clinical Trials
Romina Garrido
Scientific Assistant
Ruth Dominguez
Sandra Pradas