Alfa Life
Alfa Life is a program of control and intervention on modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer's disease through the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits and the control of cardiovascular risk factors.
409 people from the Alfa Study have participated in the study, who have made two visits, separated from each other for one year. In the baseline visit, their clinical history was updated and different scales and questionnaires were administered to collect the variables related to habits of life, such as smoking, diet, physical exercise, and cognitive and social activity. In addition, anthropometric measurements (weight, height and waist diameter) were recorded, as well as vital constants (blood pressure and heart rate), and biochemical determinations (lipid profile and glycosylated hemoglobin).
Based on the results of the first visit and its cardiovascular risk profile, participants received a series of personalized guidelines for the promotion of healthy living habits in the fields of nutrition, physical exercise, and cognitive and social activity. Subsequently, remotely and periodically, they received electronic bulletins with resources and advice aimed at improving their habits of life, and follow-up questionnaires.
In the year of the baseline visit, the participants returned to a second and last face-to-face visit where the same variables were collected again and the possible relevant clinical events that occurred during the year were recorded.
Currently, the data are in the process of analysis and results are expected to enable BBRC researchers to evaluate changes in life habits related to cardiovascular risk factors and dementia, as well as analyze their association with changes in objective physiological variables.
Principal Investigator of Alfa Life
Nina Gramunt, neuropsychologist and scientific coordinator of the Social Intervention Office at BBRC.